Urlaub daheim: unsere Ausflugstipps

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Tips for the RVV app: configure the personal area

Set two destinations as favorites and set up bus lines to which you would like to see detour information

Your personal area

When you open the RVV app menu you will see the personal area of the app.

Here you can enter your two favorite destinations and you will get the three next connections that lead you to these destinations from your current location. In addition, you will receive up-to-date news concerning your favorite lines.

How do I enter and name destinations?

Pressing on the head area of the menu (logo, "personal area") will take you to the personal area settings.


Which messages or bus lines are displayed here?

All currently valid messages of the favorised lines of the "messages bus traffic" menu appear. Please note that in "bus traffic messages" only the bus lines for which a message is available can be displayed or favored. Favored messages can be recognized throuth a gray star to the right of the line number. The bus lines are saved as favorite even after expiry of the message, so that when a new message is coming in, they will be displayed again in the personal area.

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