Urlaub daheim: unsere Ausflugstipps

Wandern, Boots- und Radtouren, Biergärten, Burgen und Museen. Jetzt das RVV-Gebiet neu entdecken!
Schedule Info
RVV timetable book, valid from December 11, 2016
RVV timetable book, valid from December 11, 2016

RVV timetable book, valid from December 11, 2016



Complete edition and city book Regensburg

To the changing of the timetable on 11 December 2016, the RVV re-creates the timetable book in two editions: In addition to the complete edition of the timetable book for the RVV area, a partial issue of local and neighboring transport is available.

We have compiled the most important changes h to the timetable change for you.


Printed edition available at the customer center and at pre-sale offices.

The protection fee is € 1.50 for the entire issue and € 0.50 for the partial edition of Regensburg.


Timetable books as PDF files for download

You can download the complete edition of the RVV area free of charge under the following link:

RVV timetable book complete edition RVV timetable book complete edition (PDF, approx. 5.2 MB)


You can download the partial issue of local and neighboring transport in Regensburg free of charge at the following link: RVV timetable book Regensburg (PDF, approx. 3.1 MB)

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